I took this picture  I Wuv wabbits


Fun 2010

Working on my book

other sites to sort

Dominican 2008

and my new life is hanging out at the gym

With the exception of  one year in Frankfurt Germany and Versailles France for one year as well in the states.



Hanging out with my best friends wife (will take a minute to load)

Below is a pictures of my fathers family in the Old country. The Family has been the family of over 600 years.  Our lineage can be traced back to the Crusades.


(it is an amazing Library of facts which my aunt runs for the family)

it is kind o cool to see your family coat or carved carved into stone in some churches.


More pictures to tell me about dad


My grandparents, my dad and  my other aunts and uncle


My Grand Parents Vineyard below

After loosing everything twice.  Once to The Germans during the  2nd WW  and then again to the Russians.  My grandfather came to Canada A broken man with $5.00 in his pocket  at 65 and when he died at 80, he was a multi-millionaire all over again.  Amazing  And a very hard working and industrious family.



My mom in 1940

second from the left and bottom row



My dad had a few Motorcycles.  They were one of his hobbies


My fathers glider when he was 18 - I had no idea they had such modern things in those days.  I mean look at that thing.  That picture was taken  almost 60 years ago


My dad  also had a truck and He and his bother would take the plane apart, put it in the truck, drive it to the top  of some really big hill or mountain  on their property, reassemble it, and launch it off some cliff.  OR---------    THEY COULD PULL THE PLANE BEHIND THE TRUCK a with a very long  cable AND LAUNCH IT INTO THE AIR.


 When I was a kid he used to take me gliding. Just outside of Toronto  I eventually  got my  STUDENT license.  iN  THAT CASE i WAS PULLED INTO THE AIR BY ANOTHER PLANE.  IT WAS COOL BUT IT WAS NOT MY THING.


Pictures of my dad in the old days,  before he met my mom





This was my dads Hunting hawk.  I don't understand the attraction to this personally.

but they didn't have internet in those days.  They had to fill of those days with other things.



A machine my dad designed  which was part of a conveyer system for my grand fathers factory.




Here was a picture of him when he realized he would have to leave it all behind. In the old country.


Just after the war.  They pet in Paris  and my moms sister was already making her own clothes

In those days there were  Edith on the left and  Vera (Short for Veronica on the right)

My mom with an old boyfriend


Here with another one. She was a model  for Vogue in those days  and she was being perused by  many


My dad was a popular guy with the Ladies too  below





This house in the country - one of the weekend homes

Was this where the glider was DAD?  The House staff were standing out in front.



Below a picture of my mother before I was born

in St. Paulo in Brazil.

my mom  I don't know how old she was here






Then I was born in December 17 1957.

And then

My life started





Les wants to become Less 2007-2008



You see, we live in a very inefficient world. We've been doing this for the last few hundred years. And though there has been a lot of improvement in technology, Bristol very backwards. Canada is the worst. But it doesn't have to be this way.


People heat and cool their whole house even though they're not in the rooms that are being heated or cooled. Why? It is a complete waste.


There are systems out there that you can buy that automatically adjust to the flus and defense in your house, so that it only heats and cools the areas of the house picture in. But most people can't afford a system like that. A cheap $65,000


Of the most important thing, it to have a good temperature where you're working, and when you're sleeping, or doing other things.

So I designed a bed, because we spend about a third of our lives in it, to help me do most of the things that I would normally do when I am there.

Including heating and cooling the area around it.


This problem number one.  Then what about all the things you do in bed.  while there are the obvious things like sleeping or having sex,  and when some people eat in their beds, or work in their beds, sometimes they just sit on top of their beds and watch TV.

  What are things that you normally have beside your bed, light clock radio etc. etc..

But they all pick up clutter on either side of your bed and take up more room.  But it doesn't have to be that way either.  I look at everything in life and see all the improvements I could make to it.  And that's good enough for me.  I have no intention of selling them more mass-producing them.  Unless someone wants to hire me to work in their company to create such things at the very next to do so.   but no one ever has.  so I plug away myself. 


Every time you want to watch a movie,  usually have to get up from your bedgo find a movie, put it into your VCR or CD player, lay back in bed find the remotes.


And I just think about this for a second.  How much time do you actually spend doing does each and every time.   can take Madame multiplied Other times you do it a year.   And you'll quickly realize, that you've just wasted perhaps 20 hours worth of time.   in some cases more than that.  now that's three days.  Three working days. Or three days on vacation. 


When you're in your car, you have to go into your backseat to get the CDs?

do after going to the trunk start your car which to be also on your bed.

in my case movies are dispensed with automatically from a CD carousel.   all I do is type in the movie I wanted, either by title, or anything,  initials Miss lectured of movies in that group.   all I do is click on the one I want, and it spits out a, and that's the one I put in a CD reader which is right beside my bed, so that I don't have to get up.    In fact my movies or the boxes that hold the movies don't have to be anywhere near my bed, or anywhere near my living room.  Everything is in carousels.  And every time my friends come over, because it's so technologically advanced. 


Cool eh?




Toronto  2008


Summer 2008

with Les and Les and Kato

Hungarian folk Art